"Trial and error is a fundamental method of problem-solving. It is characterized by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success, or until the practicer stops trying. ... Where behavior seems to imply higher mental processes, it might be explained by trial-and-error learning."
If we think about it our lives is one big trail and error journey. If you are reading this post it means that you are most likely a driven person that wants to excel in the fitness part of your life. When this is the case there will be more trail than error in you life and you face the struggles that you meet everyday head on.
But sometimes it gets difficult to stay positive in a world where the error is consistent. It always looks so easy when we see people that look really good and performs really good in the sports they do. It's like they woke up that day and they looked like that. But lets me tell you one thing... those extremely good looking athletes had more error in their lives that you can ever imagine. There might be the real exceptions out there that didn't go through that much struggles but they are one in a million.
We as humans are born to survive and just to do the necessary to stay alive, this is our natural instinct that we are born with and what ever we choose differently will challenge us much more with the errors in live.
Being the best you can be in the sport you do will challenge your body and mind to the extreme and remember your body does not necessarily want to go where your mind wants. Lets take something like muscle memory... It is the repetitive motion of a movement (like a golf swing) that your body mimics/learns in a matter of time and in this time your muscle memory gets better and better in performing this movement. I think muscle memory is on of the biggest things we can attach trail and error to. In the beginning you are struggling hard to get the swing right so what do you do... you make adjustments and try again and again and again. With adjustments, patients and time comes the results that you are looking for. In other words we say "trail and error"
You have to realize that in getting better in the sport you do is going to be a journey with ups and downs and its not going to happen over night. When you fall you have to stand up and try again and by doing this you are actually learning your self new ways not to fall. But sometimes it takes more than one fall to make you not fall again.
The most important thing you can take away today is that without errors in our lives we would not have seen where we go wrong and there would have not been any trail to bring us back to. Sometimes the bad makes us see the good and as long as we learn out of this we will definitely progress and and be the best we can be in whatever we attempt.
Gym Cat
For the strong